Friday, June 14, 2013

Portrait: Trying out Mischief

So I've been trying out Mischief a bit and while it doesn't have all the functions of something like photoshop, I kind of like it. Its really simple and painterly and its fairly cheap... its kind of fun to play around in so far.

There is a 15 day free trial you can try out here:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Glass Blowing

We finally started blowing glass.

It feels really cool to blow glass out like bubblegum.

That brown colour was supposed to be blue. I don't know what happened...

We have to buy our own coloured frit if we want to add colours. And those are my 'safety glasses'.

More Hot Glass

We learned how to gather glass ourselves and started working with it on a punty.

The actual colour of the swirl inside is blue. It looks really different hot.

After a couple weeks I started making things that look like things.

Hot Glass

In our first class we played around with the molten glass on the work tables.

This is clear glass. Its orangey yellow when its hot enough to play with.

Mixing in colour.

All my creations from our first class.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dam City

This was our first big project (that wasn't just an assignment). I made a dam city (heh heh). Its water powered and a pretty classy place. This building is probably a university or something.

The best part is the beaver people, so here are so detail shots so you can enjoy them too!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Beaver People

For one of my drawing assignments, we had to create a fantasy house. Mine turned into more of a  fantasy 'world'. Here are the doodles I did for the characters that would live in my world.
My city is a high class water powered dam city. And who else would live in a dam city but beaver people? 

Final drawing of the city will be posted soon (hopefully).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

INKS: silly knight comic

My first attempt with inks has gone pretty well. I am quite pleased. On another note, using a quill and ink makes me feel like I am a Hogwarts student.
Story by: Lindsay Napier

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Sexy Batman

Batman! Where are YOUR PANTS?!!!
It's not what you think! Wait... what WERE you thinking? I wouldn't normally draw something like this... it just happens to be my day job.

Just a couple of mismatched textures from an upcoming Fluik game. I'm not overly excited about the game, but it will probably do really well in the app store. Sigh.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Children's Festival WIP

I am participating in the Mural Mosaic for St Albert. The theme of the painting is cultivate life. I decided to make my panel about the St. Albert Children's Festival.

The starting point.
I started blocking out what I wanted. I wanted to capture the joy and wonder on a child's face.

I really loved how it was looking at this point. A part of me wished I had just kept it like this.
But then another part of me wanted to throw in lots of fun colors and put more excitement and joy in the girl's face (or at least attempt to).  I may have gone a bit too wild with all the colors. This is currently the 'final version' but I should probably go back in and add more whites to the center. Especially now that the deadline was pushed back.
NEW: I made a final update before I sent it in. I brightened the middle up a lot, fixed the shoulder and removed the swirls. I'm pretty pleased with this version.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Foreign Beauties: WIP

These are my two characters: Lisa and Ardyn. They are based off some real people in real life. Ardyn is tall and athletic. Lisa is small and dorky. Together they go on some amazing adventures, which I will be basing off of some real life adventures.

"Pain is just weakness leaving your body"

This has been a pet project of mine for several months now, but this has been the first picture that I am actually starting to be satisfied with. Part of the problem is that I am not happy if they don't look like the people they represent. 

I would love some critique on this (especially if you know the folks they are based on).

Monday, October 17, 2011


Doodling nothing but spaceships somehow makes me feel like a jr high boy.

I'm not really a spaceship or vehicle or gun drawing person, so I feel like I did a pretty good job. When the game I am working on is released I will post some final artwork up. :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Office Jerk Doodles

So I thought I would share a few Office Jerk Doodles. I have quite a few. I think I picked the most entertaining pages.
Here are some early concepts of the Office Jerk
More early concepts. I had one that was even more Dwight than the one we used.

I love the one in the bottom left corner. I don't know why I was doing so many signatures on this page. :)   Can you spot a male Leia and a female Han Solo?

This one has a whole bunch of the objects too. There's also some female office jerk doodles? I hope my math is correct otherwise that would be embarrassing.

Here are some great facial expressions. Oh and I think that's a doodle of myself, in the top left corner, listening to music on my big purple headphones.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Scary Pumpkins

A spooky pumpkin will be released in Office Zombie before Halloween...

Sketching pumpkins sure gets me pumped to carve some! I won't be carving a scary pumpkin though. All I know is that it will most definitely be very nerdy. :)

Saturday, October 08, 2011


When I was designing the Fluik logo, I did a lot of doodling. Before we even got to the idea if a squid, we were thinking of doing a ghost. Maybe I will post those doodles one day.

Did you know that squids have 3 hearts? I'm starting to think that I have a weird love for slimy creatures (worms, snails and slugs also fascinate me).

If looked you looked at my older blog posts, or if you have played one of our games, you may have seen this guy before. Normal squids have 8 arms and 2 tentacles. Ours only has 4 arms.

Here is the final design. See if you can spot the squid concept we used.

In case you are wondering I named him Henry.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Telephone Pictionary

Here are my favorite drawings from my last telephone pictionary game.

For those who don't know what this game is: The game starts with one person writing a sentence at the top of a piece of paper. He/she passes the paper. Next person draws a picture of the sentence, then folds the paper so the sentence is hidden. The next person writes a sentence based on the picture and then folds to hide the picture. Repeat process until you run out of room on your paper. Hilarity ensues.

Here's one of the few times in life where the worse you draw the better. More room for interpretation. So sadly my drawings, while pretty awesome, don't really distort the sentence much.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friday, November 26, 2010

Gunner 1 Icon

Here is the icon for Gunner. (In case you were wondering what it looked like... which I know you weren't. Sigh.)

Gunner 2 Icon

It's kind of cool too see it go from my rough concept to the final-ish version.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Playing Cards -WIP

Its probably not that obvious, but can you tell who it is?

Sunday, September 26, 2010